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Issue #01 | Echoes | Summer 2018
note from the editors
Echoes exist in hollow s p a c e s.
The deep abyss of the canyon.
The yawning stalactite-toothed cave.
The valley between snowy mountain peaks.
Wherever we conjure them, echoes tend to make us feel alone in a vast expanse. More often, our everyday echoes ricochet around the spaces in our lives in simpler ways, like through the aged photo of someone no longer living; an old song that leaps into our mind, time traveling ...
creative non-fiction
Meghan Beaudry
Thomas Zimmerman
Dave Hubble
Sneha Subramanian Kanta
Tara A. Elliott
Kelley Crowley
Mary Ellen Talley
we all scream in delight: Three Poems
Katie Eber
A tangle of blueberry stars is breathing
Martin Willitts Jr
visual arts
Craig Jefferson
R. Keith
Samin Ahmadzadeh
Eloise Rose
Emma Tweedie
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