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A tangle of blueberry stars is breathing

by Martin Willitts Jr


A tangle of blueberry stars is breathing —

fistfuls of dampening light.


Like an answer,

someone enters your room,

offers you a hug, and all the mean edges

fade, all stars seem closer,

almost touchable, all the words

you hear will almost heal you,


and everything will be alright.





Belief has strangeness —

we either believe in something we cannot prove;

or we believe there is nothing beyond us.


Assuredly, there are some grey areas,

but overall, these are the general categories

dividing us formally and informally.


We want a certainty that is never going to be there.


I rushed my hands and lips over my wife

to make sure she was real,


and the shape of her murmured

some words half-awake, half-asleep,

uncertain it was me, if I was real,


and we both knew peace.




This world is casual and simple,

yet words cannot say

what needs to be said. The world

is not waiting for me to describe it;


it keeps performing small miracles

and everyday occurrences,

as if nothing, nothing at all, is unusual

or disquieting about what the world does,


like it was all laid out beforehand,

pre-planned, and was waiting

for someone to take notice.

to say what needed to be said.

About the Author

Martin Willitts Jr has 20 chapbooks including the winner of the Turtle Island Quarterly Editor’s Choice Award, “The Wire Fence Holding Back the World” (Flowstone Press, 2017), plus 11 full-length collections including “The Uncertain Lover” (Dos Madres Press, 2018), and “Home Coming Celebration” (FutureCycle Press, 2019).

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